Transportation dealings with AMETVS enhances innovations in many transportation sectors
AMETVS stimulates new consortiums creation in Transportation Research & Development activities.
Through AMETVS transportation groups, Quebec transportation companies have better chances of piercing worldwide markets.
Transportation members can better attain set transportation targets in highly competitive transportation sectors.
Because of AMETVS’ expertise, many transportation specialists acquire promising business relationships with other AMETVS transportation groups involved in other transportation fields.
1512, Michaud St, Drummondville (Quebec) J2C 7V3 CANADA
Tel: (819) 472-4494 / Toll-Free: 1 866 499-4494 (North America) Fax: (819) 472-6520
Email: [email protected]
More than 350 transportation companies make up the AMETVS organization serving a slew of specialized North-American and international transportation markets. Many AMETVS transportation members are also active in other transportation areas :
Speciality vehicles (ambulances, trailers, heavy trucks, etc.).
Powersports vehicles.
Rail industry (locomotive and wagons)
Military Vehicles
- Etc.
AMETVS, more than transportation…
AMETVS’ activities reflect Quebec’s strength in ground transportation activities. AMETVS’ function as a transportation association allows for stronger transportation business development to expand billion-dollar yearly sales and primary industrial jobs.
AMETVS helps members custom-develop their transportation vehicles according to market needs in a wide variety of transportation fields :
Modified vehicles
Maintenance vehicles
Dump trucks
Tank trucks
Panel vans
- And many more
Proprietary business procedures help grow transportation in national and overseas business missions, annual trade shows and for many other business development opportunities.
Our ground transportation members profit from our role as their Quebec transportation representative developing crucial business relationships with important political organizations in and outside Canada.
AMETVS enables Quebec transportation players to become aware of new business opportunities in their transportation field of expertise.
Since AMETVS represents different transportation groups not as directly involved in transportation as other members, they do get to foster long-term business ventures enabling them to work together.
For AMETVS members not directly involved with traditional transportation manufacturing, their transportation expertise can serve other fields such as watercrafts, motorcycles, and roadsters markets.
AMETVS transportation members need to foster strong business relationships with other companies as well as with other countries following Bombardier Recreational Products inc.’s success.
Like the Bombardier group, other AMETVS players have earned preferred supplier status all over the country and beyond. Many of our own Quebec transportation companies have prominently positioned themselves in international transportation markets.
In the last decade, AMETVS has played an important business development role for many Quebec ground transportation companies.
All AMETVS activities aim at expanding member’s participation in world transportation markets. Transportation networking allows for greater national and international business opportunities.
AMETVS creates transportation networking with all types of ground transportation companies and public organisations, including prominent local and international government agencies to promote member’s transportation agendas.
Market penetration issues in ground transportation are varied and abundant. Quebec ground transportation people always get ahead with their AMETVS membership.
Reach us and join our transportation development platform right away!
1512, Michaud St, Drummondville (Quebec) J2C 7V3 CANADA
Tel: (819) 472-4494 / Toll-Free: 1 866 499-4494 (North America) Fax: (819) 472-6520
Email: [email protected]