The Cluster is everything you expect from an all-inclusive membership package to help you develop your business and much more!
Be one of the numerous manufacturers of the ground transportation industry to benefit from the many advantages theQuébec Ground Transportation Cluster offers. The unique Cluster all-inclusive package includes numerous services brought to you free of charge:
- Publication of your business’ ID in the directory of the Cluster and of the industry.
- Organization on your behalf of several private business meetings with major international and national OEMs throughout the year.
- Planning of foreign trade missions and shows in targeted markets of the ground transportation industry.
- Access to exclusive business opportunities of the ground transportation equipment industry in Québec, in Canada, and in global markets (in french only).
- Assistance in establishing business partnerships, in identifying potential suppliers, in developing your business, and in foreign export.
- Access to corporate benefits provided by Cluster partner companies, such as general and group insurance, legal assistance, event management, Marché municipal directory, and more…
- Access to preferred rates and preferential access to annual activities and selected trade missions and shows.
- Exclusive access to all government programs in several fields (export, R & D, energy efficiency, and more...) (french only)
Discover the benefits of having personalized strategic and operational support on a daily basis. Québec member companies of the Cluster benefit from:
- An ongoing industry watch through Cluster press releases and e-bulletins.
- A voice to defend manufacturers’ concerns before government and political authorities.
Feel that you cannot miss out on the advantages of the Cluster?
We agree. Apply right now for membership to enjoy all the privileges for members only.