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JOIN – Members Categories

Being a member of the Cluster offers many advantages! First, look up which category you belong to and then fill out the membership form .


Regular members

With the right to vote, regular members are companies and organizations that are part of the supply chain. There are two categories depending on their rank.

Category 1

Category 1 includes suppliers, distributors, consultant experts and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

Contribution by sales:

Sales Contribution
Less than $5 M $750
Between $5 M and $10 M $1 500
More than $10 M $2 500
Parent company and subsidiaries* $2 500

*Parent companies members of the Cluster can allow their subsidiaries to become member for the same contribution of $2,500. For subsidiaries whose parent company is not a member of the Cluster, their contribution is based on their sales

Category 2

Category 2 includes distributors, exclusive distributors and users of fleet of vehicles.

Contribution : $1000/year


Associate members

Without a right to vote, associate members are companies and organizations that support the supply chain. This category includes consultants, governmental organizations and services companies.

Contribution : $1000/year


Affiliate members

Without a right to vote, affiliate members are mostly national and international associations in related fields.
Contribution : Membership exchange


Now that you know which category you belong to, become a member!